Her and His Balance offers handmade, plant-based, organic skin care products made of quality oils and herbs. Our purveyors are certified for organic products

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Tyesha W.
Ever since I've been using the anti-serum and turmeric soap my skin has tremendously changed.It glows shine and attracts a lot of people keep asking me where I get my makeup from, so I let them know that it’s just my skin care routine, using new product from her and his balance. Thank you, you changed my life.
Facebook Member
Hands down hers and his balance has everything my skin needs
My everyday face routine consists of the honey foaming wash and the balanced black seed serum
Even if miss a full face routine I don't go a day without using the balanced black seed serum cause I naturally have dry skin it keeps my face evenly oiled and even complexion
I absolutely love her and his products

Facebook Member
Thank you so much I have received my order I'm very excited again. I just love the Products that I have ordered so far the serum is very lasting and healing " but my Acne Charcoal soap is everything my favorite I love you so much and thank you again
Balanced Satisfaction